Hanging day
Saturday September 5th from 10 am to 4 pm
hours and days of operation for Galeria Bezdomna @ BIFB'09 are yet to be decided.
register on the email list so you know when to check back once details are confirmed
Conditions of participation in Galeria Bezdomna apply as usual:
You must sign an indemnity form before you hang any works
You must supply your own tools
No restriction on quantity or content of works
You cannot remove works until the close of the exhibition on Sunday September 14th between 4 pm and 6 pm
Any works not collected on closing day will be disposed of.
There is no need to pre register for taking a part in Galeria Bezdomna @ BIFB'09. Everyone who comes to the place is welcomed
if there is still space available. You fill out the indemnity forms at the reception desk on hanging day.
Sending works -
International and interstate entries.If you don't have a chance to come to BIFB'09 but want to show your works there,
you can send the pictures to:
Galeria Bezdomna
C/- PO Box 569
Vic 3460
Parcels must arrive before Friday August 28th 2009. All the pictures sent via post should be signed on the backside.
The filled out and signed indemnity form should be included. [available from the download page]